Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Reward for a Good Deed

Today was supposed to be my first day of work at the hospital. Emphasis on supposed to be. I attempted to take a brand new route to my neighbor town. I had high hopes a greater amount of the 4" of snow we received overnight would be plowed from this new route compared to my usual curvy, hilly road. The following is a conversation that occurred around 7am this morning.
Me: "But what if I get lost? What if I don't see the sign for 54?"
Husband: "You'll see it, you'll be fine."
After clarifying directions from the husband, I was off.
Sure enough, the way we both agreed on to take was horribly incorrect, resulting in me being stuck in literally the middle of nowhere.
Needless to say I did not make it to work. Emphasis on not.
Thank goodness for small town people with kind hearts and big trucks who love pulling their coworker's wives out of excessive amounts of snow. Husband, coworker and coworker's truck all arrived to my rescue. An action to show my immense gratitude was certainly in order. Considering I now had the day off . . . I baked!

I had been sitting on this recipe for Texas Sheet Cake for quite awhile. Since said hero would not inform us of his favorite dessert, I decided to give this recipe a try. And though I cannot taste the finished product before it is destroyed at the factory . . . the batter did taste quite good, if I say so myself.

Boiling the water, butter, cocoa powder and instant coffee (personal addition). Proof that life gets messy.

Combining buttery chocolate goodness with batter. How could you not want to capture this moment?

Always sift your powdered sugar. Not optional.

I had to decorate with Valentine's sprinkles. Just the finishing touch on showing my love for truck man's kindness!


  1. OOoooh, my mama makes this and calls it Texas Brownies. She uses some strong brewed coffee in hers too. So yummy! :)


  2. Husband was nice enough to save me a piece - it was delish, as predicted.

  3. A) I'm glad someone helped you.
    B) Sounds like a yummy reward!
